Finance For Non Finance Managers

Understanding the financial impact of every transaction undertaken in a business is the key focus of this course. A good manager is one who understands how to sell a lot of products or services but selling a lot of products or services does not make the manager an excellent one. Sales is a gift to a customer until it is translated into cash. It is with this in mind a manager must understand the impact of sales in the profit and loss account (profitability measurement), cashflow statements ( liquidity measurement) and balance sheet (net worth measurement). 

This Finance For Non Finance Managers Training is targeted at non-financial experts with responsibility to manage and control financial resources in their organisation. This course aims at providing participants with finance fundamentals that will help them come to grips with sound financial discipline for business success. The course will cover topics such as:

  • The definition of profit and loss accounts; why and how they are put together
  • The definition of balance sheet; why and how they are put together
  • The definition of cash flow statement; why and how they are put together
  • Finance jargons and how to make sense of financial statements for effective decision making
  • Effective financial controls required for robust safeguards over assets of an organisation
  • How to interpret and evaluate the performance of a business using financial ratios
  • Strategies for identifying financial leakages and maximising cash flow in your business- introduction to effective credit control system
  • Brief introduction to financial costings and budget
  • Post practice sessions, feedback and evaluation after the tutor session.

Keywords: Finance For Non Financial Managers, Finance For Non Finance Managers, Finance For Non Finance Managers Training

Finance For Non Finance Managers

Finance For Non Financial Managers - Module 1
Finance For Non Financial Managers - Module 1

Finance for Non Financial Managers Course - learn how to interprete and evaluate financial results for better financial management in organisations

Finance For Non Financial Managers - Module 2
Finance For Non Financial Managers - Module 2

Finance For Non Finance Managers Module 2 - Learn how to evaluate financial performances using financial ratios

Finance For Non Finance Managers Workbook
Finance For Non Finance Managers Workbook
Finance For Non Finance Managers

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Price :

$75.00 ( Per License )

Visited: 1835 Times

Difficulty: Normal

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